Featured Stories

Featured Stories


Local Poet Set for Success!

A timeless relevance in local poet’s new anthology, ‘Reaching Out’ Local poet Denis Carson, from Carryduff in County Down, is set to launch a unique, inspiring new anthology of poems, ‘Reaching Out’, this September. The poems, which have been crafted by Denis over several years have been inspired by both his love of nature and...

Local Author Publishes ‘The Bandoleer’

The Bandoleer by Noel Henry Published! Tweet The truth in this story, local author Noel Henry writes, is that at one time the Bandoleer at the centre of this story was in the keeping of his wife’s family. They were from the Markets area in Belfast. The Bandoleer did disappear and no one in the family...

Chansey the Chicken and the Plum Tree – Now available!

Chansey the Chicken and the Plum Tree - Now available! Chansey the Chicken and the Plum Tree' by John Conlon from Co. Fermanagh is NOW available! You can order your copy HERE Chansey herself is from Co.Fermanagh and inspired the tale by local Co. Fermanagh teacher, John Conlon. Buy Paper Back - £6.99 © Emain...

The Washing – A Short Story by Margaret Dunlop

The Washing - A Short Story by Margaret Dunlop Tweet The Washing is one of 13 short stories which was published in 2005 in Margaret Dunlop’s first published book, Water for Tea. These short stories written by Margaret tell the tales of her childhood, of her parents, her home and give a real insight into...

Russ on the Suss – Local Book Showcase

Russ on the Suss - Arts Council Feature Tweet The novel follows the story of 11-year-old Russ, a lover of puzzles, mystery and adventure as he faces his biggest challenge yet. With the help of his friend Susie, Russ sets about solving the legacy left to him by his great-grandfather GG. The novel, written by...

The Magical Glitter Storm – By Anna aged 7!

Introducing a wonderful new story by Anna  - 'The Magical Glitter Storm' ! Tweet This fabulous glittery story, written by Anna about two friends called Jenny and Angeline and designed by local publisher Emain Publications really captures a sense of wonder and amazement! Please enjoy some of our sneak previews! Tweet In the story, the...

Local Creative Talent Showcase!

We love to feature local talent here and felt we had to share and shout loudly about local Co. Armagh Graphic Designer and Illustrator, Andrea Shine! Andrea is a wonderful creative expert and when she shared with us some of her gorgeous images and animations, we felt we needed to share them with you too....

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