Welcome to Our Story Ireland
A home for stories about Ireland, either from local authors or by authors anywhere, about Ireland!
We would love to read your story!

Our Story Ireland provides a platform to get published as well as providing a valuable resource to find, read and learn all about Ireland through stories.
We only publish stories that fit our criteria, that is stories that are real, unique and original. By real, we mean stories that are about places and people who are real and events that have really happened.

If we like your submission, we will publish your story for FREE and give you an opportunity to share it across social media.
We will ensure your copyright is protected and also let you use, for the purposes of the website, illustrations and images which we will showcase by local artists and illustrators.

We are proud to state we are funded and supported by the Arts Council Northern Ireland through the Creative Industries Innovation Fund.
To get in touch with us please email enquiries@ourstoryireland.com and you can make a submission by emailing submissions@ourstoryireland.com
We are interested in unique voices, preferably previous unpublished and with something original to say, say it in your own words!