1 The Dreadful Sound at Galloon!

Harvey was excited scrambling around the boat as it sailed along the river. Up to the front of the boat he gazed over the edge at the moving water, then nose in the air he ‘sniffed’ …..taking in all the new smells of the countryside…how yummy this life seemed!

Back down to the rear of the boat, then round and around, up and down,

037 he went over the boat until… 


the boat pulled alongside the jetty at Galloon.

Donna and Seamus tied the boat to the mooring,

and Harvey jumped off regardless, from the boat onto the jetty, racing up and down the jetty as if tasting freedom for the first time.

“He’s going to need to learn to swim” Seamus suggested.

“but how are we going to entice him into the water?” questioned Donna.

And just like that… Seamus lifted Harvey up and hurled him through the air….poor Harvey found himself flying without a parachute…catapulted through the air…Whoooosh……across the water, over the lilipads until…

In he went, down into the cold water, falling below the lilypads into the reeds, poor Harvey disappeared for a few seconds, then……….up popped his head and he began to swim. Can you see him?

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Poor Harvey was dripping wet as he scrambled out of the lake at the water’s edge…he ‘hated’ his coat being wet.

Like a steam train, Harvey zipped up and down the jetty trying to air dry his coat…

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 In the distance a dreadful sound could be heard…


The sound came beyond the jetty, across the road, up the old stone steps and through the old rickety rusty iron gates….

Harvey decided to follow the sound!

He walked out of the jetty, across the road, walked up the old stone steps and stood in front of the old rickety rusty iron gates…

he nosed open the creaky gates and found himself standing in tall overgrown grass, he could hardly see over the grass, it was nearly as tall as him.

Scattered here and there were old worn headstones, some small and some large, some standing straight, some lying on their side and some lying crumbled in the grass…

All the stones were chiselled with strange signs….skull and bones. Harvey had found himself in an old grave yard, and he was scared!…

…”LEEOOO….LEEOOO”….that sound had Harvey intrigued.

He slinked in!

Skulking through the long overgrown grass, this strange place gave Harvey the creeps…

that dreadful sound rang out “LEEOOO….LEEOOO”

Staying low to the ground, Harvey followed the dreadful sound….he made his way to the back of the grave yard where he found a hole in the hedge.

Peering through the hole he saw a menagerie of animals….and there strutting around the farmyard with his elongated tail spread out to make a train……was a magnificent blue pheasant…WOW!

Harvey’s eyes gazed at the wonderment of the creature before him, he became lost in its beauty….then suddenly something awful nearly happened to Harvey!

….in a rather gruff voice, Harvey heard “Hoo are yee….yaur jist the wee dog A’m lookin faer” and this large hairy hand reached down to lift Harvey up…without a moments thought…

Harvey scarpered through the overgrown grass, pasted the old worn skull and bone headstones, through the old rickety rusty gates, down the old stone steps, across the road and back into the jetty.



He was running so fast down the jetty trying to get back to the boat….Seamus, who was fishing off the jetty felt the whoosh of Harvey passing him…lost his balance and…




like a boulder falling off the peak of a mountain…  !SPLASH!

Seamus fell in!

Down into the cold water, falling below the lilypads into the reeds…

Harvey now safely back on the boat, “sniggered”….as Seamus dragged himself out of the water….sopping wet!

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